Modern Life is Rubbish

“To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage and kindness… The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.” ~ Howard Zinn.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

A Journey of Discovery

Ah, the end of the year 2012 is fast coming upon us.

What will happen to all of us? Is the world coming to an end? 

Read the full article for some answers to what is really happening. It may not be what you would like to happen or what you would think will happen. But we are not here to engage in wishful thinking, are we? Truth is what we are really after. 

As what Morpheus (one of the main character in the film, "The Matrix") said, "I didn't say it would be easy. I just said it would be the truth."

So go on, make some of your free time to read this. This is the most basic, complete and truthful write-up on the so-called "End-Times/ End-of-the-World/ 2012" prophecies and the condition of our world. It is what our formal education won't teach us and what the powers that be will never tell us. Of course it is easy to understand why- modern society is built on the foundation of mindless exploitation of a majority of people in the outer reaches of our so-called developed world for the profligate consumption of the privileged few.

No nonsense about ascension, the second-coming, saviour from the sky. We need more genuine wishes but not wishful thinking.

[...] So why so much interest in the end of the world? Are things really so bad that people just want the world to stop? Possibly. Does researching the end of the world happen to be an exceptionally popular hobby? Probably not. Does half the planet have a death-wish? I doubt it. What is abundantly clear just from a brief review of much of this material is that there are a lot of crack pots and hype-mongers out there, and much of the content on this topic is deliberate disinformation designed as social control/groupthink propaganda, intended to keep you either distracted from what is really going on or separating you from your money - you know, "before it's too late!!!" (that little gem never seems to lose momentum). Nevertheless, the interest is definitely there, and the most likely reason for this, in my assessment is: We are all connected, to each other and to the cosmos, and those of us still registering a pulse know something is definitely going on! 
[...] Certainly the Mayans had their flood stories as well - a few in fact. And like their counterparts, these stories describe the destruction of humanity for its lack of reverence to their true purpose as Divine Creations. Where the Mayans have not speculated is in the world ending in 2012 nor necessarily a mass enlightenment. What most 2012-hype "followers" fail to realize is that the whole concept of a Mayan prophecy for 2012 is an entirely invented concept exclusive to the "machine world", as I like to call it; after all, the machine world creates and maintains the plastic standards of the "modern West" - which I don't think I need to itemize - pointing to the rest of the world as the ignorant, backward, uncivilized "third world" or the "developing countries", including Central America, where the Mayan culture originated and still essentially exists to some extent today.
[...] So it isn't that all information out there is complete rubbish, rather that it is mostly distorted and convoluted due to one apparatus or another - whether purposeful or an honest mistake. That's how disinformation propagates so well; most always is it truth mixed with lies and errors, therefore people have something to bite in to, unaware that it amounts only to junk food - without nourishment. What remains vital is that we endeavor to illuminate the truth of the matter so that we may understand what we are working with. If there is to be any possibility of Enlightenment, Truth is paramount. If we are under false impressions, it would be far better to not understand anything at all. The difference between a lie we believe versus a truth we fail to see is at least, with the latter, we remain available - for the most part - to accept new knowledge. Believing a lie is even more problematic than ignorance, you see - as I concluded in my article on the corruptibility of ideology:
People will just accept a flowery idea and then go about their life in the same way, living under a pretense that they "understand" something. This actually blocks them from any real understanding that they could have if they weren't convinced that they "already know". [...] The great irony is thus that these and other such [concepts, though taken as truth] actually allow us to turn away from Truth rather than toward it.
[...] What does cyclical time mean, exactly? It is most assuredly a difficult concept to grasp due to the fact that we seem to experience time linearly. But is that because time is linear or because we are stuck in a very small segment of it? Does the Earth not also appear definitively flat while upon it, even from the top of a mountain? Need I remind the reader that as recently as 500 years past, Europeans still believed the Earth to be flat? Are not the seasons assurance of nature being cyclical? Do not all celestial bodies in the universe turn, and do these orbital cycles not bring about the very functionality of the cosmos unto the point of even the very sustainability of life and the possibility of existence? How peculiar would it really be, then, to presume time too to be cyclical?  More and more scientific data is coming to light to support this concept, yet it is surely what the ancients knew and tried to tell us.
[...] The fact of the matter is that our planet and everything on it comprises an intelligent and living system that has designed into it a mechanism through which any imbalance in any aspect of the system can be dealt with. Consider the way in which animal populations are naturally kept in check via predators or disease. This mechanism is designed to protect the overall system and prevent any one aspect from compromising the evolutionary goals of the system itself. Humans have evolved to the point where they have no natural predators [ostensibly], and while disease still kills many human beings each year, modern medicine has succeeded (so far) in preventing a pandemic from wiping out the human race. But it would be foolhardy for anyone to think that the 'living system' has overlooked human beings when it comes to redressing any imbalance caused by human beings that threatens the aim of the overall living system.
"On the surface, this movie was a presentation of possibilities inherent in technological manipulation of society and individual reality. What many people do not realize is that it is a metaphor for the True Reality - a Matrix that is even more mysterious and subtle than anything suggested in the movie - a Matrix of which speculations and formulae relating to hyperdimensional physics and modern studies in consciousness have only revealed the tip of the iceberg.
[...] Many scientific speculations of recent times have begun to unravel the puzzle of our existence in troubling ways. One of these threads seems to suggest - in definitely hard science - that not only is Time cyclical, but that our present human race and technological society may not be the pinnacle of Darwinian evolution. In fact, the possibility of races and civilizations before us, of even greater sophistication and achievement, is becoming more likely every day..."
In considering this and the Matrix nature of our reality, the questions that we have brought forward are: if time is cyclical, if greater civilizations than ours existed in the 'past', how did they perish? And, if they perished, did some elements of their knowledge survive in myths and folk tales? If so, what can we, today, learn from them about our own Matrix?
Read it and then spend some time thinking about it. Do your own research and come to your conclusion. But always remember too, one's conclusion is still a belief if it does not conform to the way things work, or more accurately to the way nature works. Yes, it is that important.

The full article HERE. And read the hyperlinks in there too for a more thorough and deeper understanding of how the world works, though these are just touching the surface.

So what would it be, the red pill or the blue pill?

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