Modern Life is Rubbish

“To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage and kindness… The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.” ~ Howard Zinn.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

An Ancient Saying - reprise and expanded

"If the wrong person uses the right means, the right means work in the wrong way".

This is in sharp contrast to our belief in the 'right' method irrespective of the person who applies it. In reality, everything depends on the person and little or nothing on the method.

From here:

"Obviously the present crisis throughout the world is exceptional, without precedent. There have been crises of varying types at different periods throughout history - social, national, political. Crises come and go; economic recessions, depressions, come, get modified, and continue in a different form. We know that; we are familiar with that process. Surely the present crisis is different, is it not? It is different first because we are dealing not with money nor with tangible things but with ideas. The crisis is exceptional because it is in the field of ideation. We are quarreling with ideas, we are justifying murder; everywhere in the world we are justifying murder as a means to a righteous end, which in itself is unprecedented. Before, evil was recognized to be evil, murder was recognized to be murder, but now murder is a means to achieve a noble result. Murder, whether of one person or of a group of people, is justified, because the murderer, or the group that the murderer represent, justifies it as a means of achieving a result that will be beneficial to man. That is, we sacrifice the present for the future, and it does not matter what means we employ as long as our declared purpose is to produce a result that we say will be beneficial to man. Therefore, the implication is that a wrong means will produce a right end and you justify the wrong means through ideation. We have a magnificent structure of ideas to justify evil and surely that is unprecedented. Evil is evil; it cannot bring about good. War is not a means, to peace."

~ J. Krishnamurti, excerpt from "The Book of Life". (Hat tip to blogger 'coyoteprime' for this excerpt).

Read the article, Protection Fraud, to better understand the above quote.

Being angry at the current situation and keeping the anger inside, or worse still, expressing those anger towards another person are not going to make the situation go away or gets better. The best way to make it (the situation) a little bearable, if not "better", is to share it with as many people as possible. It is the only act of freedom any person could do in this situation.

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