Modern Life is Rubbish

“To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage and kindness… The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.” ~ Howard Zinn.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Life and Old Age.

Yesterday's discussion on Redfm on whether people should expect their children to take care of them financially when they're old got me thinking.

Most people now do not expect their children to look after them in their old-age. People are more aware of financial planning for their retirement. I know in my heart that my father's generation do expect their children to take care of them. He even said so to my mother a few times. While my mother had said otherwise, i would say she feels the same too.

And what's wrong with that notion? Are not Asians brought up with the value that we must take care of our parents and i'm not talking only about financial support? It is call filial piety. Even though times had changed and we are in the Information Age, i hope these value never change and be pass on to future generations.

I will certainly hope my children will not forget their parent. I hope they will still visit their parent and take care of them because elder people, after fulfilling their basic needs of food and shelter, need companionship more than anything. And children are the only thing they can call their own.

In today's world, most people don't live in a community or a little village, if you will. People lived in the city, big cities even. People spend a lot of time alone. That is the reality of city-life. I know because i had been there and done that, so to speak. So, i would know how it feels. The feelings are 'magnified' many times more for these elderly people. They need companionship more than younger people because let's face it, most of them don't work anymore and don't engage in any specific hobbies. What do they do with all the spare time in their hand? Nothing. But they wish they could have some company, someone to talk to. Always. To them at least, time has become a a more valued commodity than money.

So, back to the topic in hand, no, i do not expect my children to take care of me or my wife financially but i would appreciate if they take care of me emotionally by visiting and talking with me in my old-age.

Back to my 'mix tape' i'm preparing for a friend then...


zewt said...

an affluent society has lost its humanity... how i wish i can take care of my mom.

modernlifeisrubbish said...

Hello Zewt. So very kind of you to leave a comment in this very outdated post.

I'd read of your story about your mom. It's very honest and moving. And i'm sure the same can be said of you.