Went to my old workplace the other day. It has been nine years since i'd been there. It's a Saturday and almost all the offices were closed. Then i saw my old office. Looked the same. Use the toilet while there. Still the same. Even remember the old lady operating one of the lifts. Looked at her but she did not return my gaze. No, she did not recognized me.
One thought came up - nothing's changed yet everything is different. Some places still looked the same many years down the line. And some people remains the same when the world has changed. And there are some who, on the surface, seemed to move with the world. Yet, deep down their beliefs and core values stays with them until the end. Always.
Met an old friend the other day. Not a close friend. There are so few i could consider close friends. Despite meeting only a few times in more than 18 years, we still kept in touch. She still looked young and charming. Strange, but talking with her somehow makes me feel old. And inadequate.
Of all my friends from the fairer sex, she is one of the most independent and intelligent. Not to mention down-to-earth. All qualities to be admired, especially so for a woman. Perhaps, the only thing we have in common is both of us would like to see some changes in this land and its people.
As a person, i can be very boring. Just hope i did not bore her that day...
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