"Eh, what is he up to this time? I wanna have a look. It could be fun, hee-hee.
"Hey, wait up for me".
She likes to follow him. Her inquisitive mind who like to see what he is doing. Why does he walk into that bedroom every so often? And why is he sitting on there moving his fingers up and down slightly on that black square thing?
She came towards him. With her pleading and very cute eyes, her hands quickly reach out to him. So eager to sit onto his lap. How could he ever resist, seeing her beautiful face lit up with joy.
Her fingers were now all over the black, square thing. At times, she was not gentle with it; hitting it hard.
"Hmm, these strange thing make a funny sound lah. Seem to bounce back too when i hit them hard. Yea, it is really fun after all. Wait. What's that big silver colour thingy on the floor? It's got a button. Let me see what happen if i push the button. Let me down. I wanna push the button" as her little finger reaches out to the power button on my computer.
The whole screen went blank. Aiyooo...
My niece is two years old and she is very inquisitive as are most toddlers her age. She wants to touch everything she sees and perhaps feel everything she touches, taste everything she thinks is edible and inspired affection in everyone who meets her.
"The essence of being human is that of having the insatiable urge to question and to search for answers, and next, not satisfied with the answers, to continue to question". Did i heard of that somewhere before?
Somewhere along the line, we have stop doing that. And let others provide us with answers to life, whether these 'others' think their answers are right or we just don't care if maybe the answers given could be wrong. Since we can't or simply do not want to convince the others because we do not want to impose our views on them, we failed to let others convince us and instead we convinced ourselves that these 'others' are always right. We took the words of these others as the gospel truth especially if these others are in a privileged position or perceived to be in a position of authority.
Everyone sees the world through their own lense. Their perception borne through all of the senses humans are endowed with. Is there a correct view of how to live our lives? Again, it's my belief there is a right and wrong. And lots of grey areas in between. Absolutes there are not, most time. Life is not an absolute of right or wrong.
My niece is so cute and clever. And very talkative too. She'll grow up to be a fine person. i hope she would not stop or be afraid to ask questions and be able to seek the right and wrong in those answers. And also the wisdom to distinguish the grey areas between.
The future belongs to her and her generation.
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