"This principle that our inner world is taken into us from the outside by means of identification, and then, by way of projection, alters the external world so that it corresponds to the inner world even more closely requires some serious thought. Basically, we have to bootstrap ourselves out of here by reversing the process: we must create an inner world in the face of the opposition of the outer world, that then becomes strong enough, en masse, to change the outer world. An inner world that recognises pathology in power across the world, and all that it has wrought, for what it is, which then provides the resolve to do something about it."- Laura K-JadczykWhat this short, but pertinent, passage means is this: to change the world, first we have to recognize the world we lived in today as it is and for what it is. For decent human beings, we would wish the world to be just, equitable and fair. In short, a good place to live our lives, to become who we want to be, to be happy not only for ourselves but also for our children.
But we should never, ever confuse this wish, this belief of ours, that the world is a good place to lived, to be true of the "real world" that we lived in. This is just our inner world wishing the world to be a "nice" place. The real world is nothing like that, of course. No, for the majority of people, the world is a dangerous place to live in. i have read too much (and experience some) to confirm this to be true.
When we start to realize that this world is not in good health, to understate the issue, we will find ourselves experiencing the first stage of having to face this cold, hard truth. The feeling of denial and anger. Psychologist has a term for it- cognitive dissonance.
Put simply, "cognitive dissonance" is what a person would feel when the reality of the world (the objective reality) differs greatly from the reality inside their head ie. subjective reality. Most people will then take steps to make the reality of the world fit into the reality that is inside their head. The reason of which could be, as Robert Brault said, "sometimes you believe a thing that isn't true because in the world you wish to live in, it would be true."
Unless we recognize this world, this "desert of the real", we would never be able to change it to a better place. The place where we really want it to be for ourselves, and more so, for the future of our children and humanity as a whole.
Real change does not come from a change of government, or for that matter the perception that a change to a new government will bring about a change for the better.
Real change comes from our inner self. The first step to this change is to recognize that not every human being in this world is the same, with the same aspiration and sense of justice. Everyone has this capacity. Whether we will recognize it depends on whether we can see the world as it is, not as we wish it to be.
One important thing to remember: most (i do mean "most" in the strictest sense of this word), if not all, of our current leaders (in their various capacities), do not have the people's and humanity's interest in mind when they say they serve the people. They only serve their own self interest, and this is only a gross understatement.
i do not know what we can do to change this world, short of changing the way we think of this place we called home, albeit a temporary one. But the way we think has to come from a correct understanding of the true reality of it. Maybe it is too late change anything now. The only important thing now, armed with this knowledge, hopefully we will be able to, at least, have the foresight to take steps to protect our family and loved ones in the coming days.
A short video of our real situation HERE
The transcript can be found HERE
i don't even pretend anything written here would change anything that is not already being observed by those with eyes to see, and spoken with more eloquence by the same others who have more courage. Things had already being set in motion a long time ago. We are here to witness them unfold and understand them perhaps, in case we may need to revisit this place again "in the future".
As William Blake puts it, "when I tell the truth, it is not for the sake of convincing those who do not know it, but for the sake of defending those that do."
So there.
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