Modern Life is Rubbish

“To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage and kindness… The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.” ~ Howard Zinn.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Untitled 3

The past is made beautiful because of the emotion we attached to it. The souls of those who are no longer with us are being held captive in our memory. They are lost to us until the day we recognized them again when they called us by our name.

It is then that we are free from their spell and the emotion we once attached to them returns to share our life. To many, that day may come after a long time, or more likely, it may not come at all.

The time we spent with people in this life may have been fleeting, but the relationship we share with them lasts for eternity. We can never recapture our own past. And thus, we must cherish the present.

When looking out the window of a train, we can see the view in front and also those behind us at the same time. Our emotions are only complete when we looked back to the memories of our past and realized those we loved have been with us all along.

*(Thanks to my blogger friend, MWS for her proofreading and very kind comment)

Saturday, September 29, 2018

What does waking up means

What if everything we have been told about this world has been a lie? Every. Single. One. Of. Them.

'Waking up' is the first, and also the most important, step in the process of finding God within oneself through the the vessel of our mind without subscribing to the dogma of organized religion or institutionalized science.

In order to wake up, we have to embark on a quest for truth. The true objective reality is often concealed in a world of appearances so that we have to use our mind to think and work on the self, to obtain knowledge to dispel ignorance but to also be driven by this ignorance itself.

Thinking is just a means to an end; the end is to bring us closer to knowing why we are here and perhaps also knowing of the self along the way.

It is said the quest for truth and the quest for meaning are not the same. This philosophical or metaphysical point may be reconciled if we take the meaning of life as answerable only to the person who asked the question.

Truth are just those questions which are maybe unanswerable in our current state of being but nevertheless we should not stop to seek for them.

The human condition has not changed since known history, and it will not change as long as the focus is on the external things. It will change when the focus is turned within as the essence is only found there.

If we were to know what Truth is, we have to first know its opposite - what Illusion is. That could be a reason why we are here and for which we have to wake up to be able to ask these questions.

Like everything else in life, waking up is not a certain destination in life's journey but rather a new way of seeing, with a more objective, empathetic view of the world.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Untitled revisited

Every now and then, my memory keeps going back to the final moments before i learned of my father's death. i have to accept the reality that the loss can't be changed by comforting myself in the knowledge that if life is eternal, there is perhaps a meaning to his passing.

Since our lives in this world is characterized mostly by confusion and ignorance, Godel believed that our existence in this world is merely a preparation for something more meaningful.

Whether there is truth in that belief, the answer lies with him to find and is not for me to know. And i believed that there is also a meaning, for those who has to go on living in this world, to find for themselves when a loved one has moved on. The meaning may differ for each of us but if we search deep within ourselves, we will find it. If not now perhaps someday.

In this age of confusion, where much of the world still measure the value of a person's life by how much material possession he has or how high his/her social standing, my father is a "nobody".

He doesn't have much money or material possession. He doesn't have many friends at his old age, and only one friend came to his funeral. He did not leave any of his material possession for me to keep as a memento, or even a single word of advice or encouragement to keep as a lasting memory. He came to this world with nothing and he left with nothing, for his family nor the world. It is as if he did not came to this world at all. But he did came here, and he is real. To me and my family at least. And he will lived on as long as i lived on.

If eternity is a moment untouched by the hands of time, and fate has brought us together for this brief moment in our lives, i will forever remember and cherish our time together in this world.

May he be at peace with himself.

The Gifts of Grief

Dedicated to Wong Kok Seng (30.06.1942 ~ 28.10.2016), who has come and gone from this world and made a difference... to me.

Sunday, August 7, 2016


Attributed to Paulo Coelho, "The Alchemist"
"Life has no opposite. The opposite of death is birth. Life is eternal." ~ Eckhart Tolle.
"Adopting... an ontological point of view, we pose the question: where do we come from? (And where are we going?) That babies come from the womb is a familiar biological fact concerning our early bodies, but it is of no help with the present question. I thus lay down my... alarming proposition: We don't really know where we (as babies) came from.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

When it's all too late, it's all too late

It's quite a paradox this. History repeats because human nature never changes.

Some people want to change the world to a better place. To change the world to a better place, all or most all, of humanity must change.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Esoteric Einstein - A common sense approach

The idea for this post is not mine. I read it, feel there is some truth in it and reinterpreted it. It's not to be taken too seriously though.

E = mc2
"Energy equals mass (matter) times the speed of light squared".

To reverse engineer the process/equation could mean to create the 'energy' to fight against disease and viruses.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Love walked in

To think of the past is to bring to the present moment the memory of someone, in the sense that all other people and places are somehow affected by the thoughts of this someone. At this present moment...